My words fly up

my thoughts remain below.
Words without thoughts
never to heaven go.
Over the years I have met some amazing women- women who changed my life through their example or their mentoring me. When they moved away we lost touch because they were doers and not writers. How many times I wished those women would write-write their thoughts, their experiences and share their knowledge. Oh, the things we could learn!
Many people say, “I’m too busy to write- too busy living life.” To that I respond that there are many people who could use your mentorship through your example and writing about it. Writing about life, the ups and downs and how you learned from your experiences is a form of journal writing. How are our children to really know us if we don’t write?
The amazing thing about writing online is you never know who you will touch and how far reaching your words really are. Sometimes you’ll get some wonderful feedback in person or online, or sometimes people quietly read and take in what you share and allow it to enrich their life.
While I love to share my feelings in person with friends and those I meet, I feel that writing online is my way of sharing my thoughts and opinions in an unthreatening manner. I can also give unsolicited advice and people can read and take it if they want or move on to the next article.
To those who are currently writing on a blog or elsewhere, don’t hide your light under a bushel. How many blogs have I been to that I fell in love with the content and feel of the blog? The answer is many. When I like someone’s writings, I want to get to “know” them better and am taken aback when after sharing such a wealth of information they hide who they are and don’t give us an insight into their real lives. Sure there are some weirdos out there, but don’t let the fear of them keep us from getting to know you. Your writings have credibility when we know you are a real person. If you touch our lives with your writing, please further touch our lives with a glimpse into yours.
Everyone who loves life and family has something to offer. Everyone. I especially love reading from those who are passionate about life, Christ, family, hobbies, reading, writing, etc. and not necessarily in that order. It’s easy to begin a blog and share with the world. Take a chance today to touch someone or teach us through your writing.

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Amen, I totally agree with you Shiloah! Writing is the one thing that allows us to mentor each other, not just across space, but across time. How I wish that my grandmothers had taken the time to write more. I am so grateful that we have the Internet. It makes writing so easy! I am even thinking of having my kids do blogs to record what they are learning. Has anyone done that yet? The binder thing is just hard for me to keep up with seven kids.
Hi Celestia!
Sorry to neglect this blog. I just finished moving into a new house in Colorado from North Carolina. :)
I have my two eldest girls blogging. They write their "articles" or "essays" in a notebook first so I can look over it and then they put it on their blogs.
Thanks for sharing, this is a fantastic post.Thanks Again. Fantastic.
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