Hi, I am Heather. Here is my bio. I live in a suburb of Denver, Colorado. I have been married to Prince Charming, David, for over 13 years and we have four kids. DS1 is almost 8, DD is 6 1/2, DS#2 is 4, DS #3 is 2. I stay at home and homeschool them. About me personally, I am an avid scrapbooker. I also enjoy spending time with fiber arts and practically knit to save my sanity at times. In addition to knitting, I crochet and spin my own yarn, as time permits. I am an admitted fiber snob as I prefer only natural fibers to work with and wood needles, though plastic or metal will do in a pinch if I don't have the size I need. My favorite things to knit are toys for my kids. My latest was a mermaid for my daughter and now I am working on a cute horse for DS #2. My newest upcoming adventure is to make a Waldorf doll. I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of the kit from Magic Cabin, any day now. I have been moving towards less commercialized plastic toys and not only enjoy making them, but supporting those who continue the art of making handmade items.
So I guess I would consider my craft hobbies what is most mine for the time being. I also like to read and am enjoying how my exposure to TJed has helped me explore other genres and expanded me beyond historical fiction books. So essentially I am beginning a journey of getting the education I didn't get the first time around. My education philosophy is a mixture of TJed, Waldorf (Rudolph Steiner), the Well Trained Mind and "can't-shake-my-conveyor-belt-mentality" Syndrome. At least those are the philosophies I am most exposed to. So I guess in a week we may start off with some very TJed approach, with a infusion of Waldorf then by the end of the week we have periods of Conveyor belt insanity with a well-trained mind approach. My syndrome comes and goes but I think in the future I will be able to shake it and manage perhaps to only slightly damage my older two kids. =) Just kidding it isn't that bad, but it is hard to have faith in something when you haven't seen the end result But we are progressing and making lots of headway.
I attend the LDS Church where I serve as a Wolf Den Leader for Cub Scouts. This has been my favorite calling/duty so far and since I have three sons I hope to stay put there for awhile. I also lead a Daisy Troop (Girl Scouts) for my daughter's troop as well as volunteer with La Leche League International. So I am passionate about women having access to breastfeeding support for as long as they choose to breastfeed. A new endeavor will be helping to start a new Commonwealth School (the 3rd one in the Denver metro area) that will be closer to my home.
I always enjoy hearing more about women and what they did before kids. Well before my first I majored in Anthropology at BYU. Not long after, I got pregnant with him, so I never did anything too exciting. We were married almost 6 years before he came and we enjoyed traveling and being far more spontaneous. Now it involves too much preparation, but we like to camp and hike and in general spend time in nature. We are often only traveling to visit family. But we are saving for a trip to Disneyland in the next few years. We will go to Texas and visit my grandparents in April. But otherwise, it will mostly be camping in our fabulous Rocky Mountains.
As I was searching for a picture of my family.... I realized that we didn't have one with everyone in it. I will need to rememdy that. IT is alsmost always just a pictures of the kids or David as I am always taking the pictures! I did manage to find one that is from last winter. Note to self....Take more pictures of the WHOLE family. =)
Well that's it for me!
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