Monday, September 1, 2008

My Idea for Core Phase

Ok, I will gladly admit that I totally missed the core phase as a child and the love of learning, and the scholar and now I am supposed to have this mission? Obviously I am a mother and a homeschooler and that is definitely part of it. So I figured that we had better get back to basics and get that core stage. So how do you get a 30-something year old to learn to love work and bring her kids along with her? Well I am re-inviting the FlyLady back for the 100th time (or so it feels like). But more so, I was really also thinking on how do I share what is mine....What is Heather's? While I have managed to get my kids to do more writing through my scrapbooking hobby, I had to buy some cheap stuff for them so they would leave mine alone. But I was thinking as a child I loved Little House on the Prairie, I read them over and over again, except for Farmer Boy, I just recently read that for the first time, talk about a treat to save for adult hood. I guess I was just boycotting boys at the time. But what is more core, besides the conveyor belt education, than prairie life. How could I get my kids to love to work and value it as pioneer children do in the suburbs of Denver. While we do have cats, fish and a small garden, it isn't quite the same. So I was thinking that we needed to find a way to make Little House in the Suburbs. Which led me to one of those Epic Adventure Ideas. So on the TJed Muse list, there was great excitement about the Courageous Beings Epic Adventures, while I am not ready to pay the money for a ready made one yet and I am in great need of this core phase, so we are going on our own Epic Adventure. Amongst all the great things we'll learn I hope we can get a good base of learning to value and love work. So any ideas you have to expand upon that would be great.
In addition to the Little House books, I was thinking about Little Britches. I am sure I could come up with plenty more. But it is a start. I was also thinking about getting or making some prairie clothes, chores might be more fun in those, and there would be fun cooking and exploring places with a 1700's-1800's theme. Here in CO, there is the Littleton Historical Museum and another in Golden with actual reenacted working farms. Then we aren't terribly far off from pulling handcarts in WY or visiting the Little House on the Prairie Museum in North or South Dakota (budget permitting). Oh and I thought we would do a pioneer Christmas where we make our gifts, rather than buying the finished product. I think the list could be endless. So obviously I am just at the beginning of my thought process on this, but I thought I would share to those who might care! =) It sounds like fun to me.
Well back to the what is mine issue. I like to knit, crochet and spin yarn. Definitely will go well with our Epic Adventure theme. I like to read and I also spend time with breastfeeding counseling and Scouts. It is rather interesting how much my kids know about breastfeeding. Boy are my future daughters-in-laws in for a surprise. I am also in process of becoming a DONA Certified Birth Doula.
I try and share with them what I am reading, but sometimes I am so engrossed in it I forget to stop and share what is so exciting. So by next summer my kids may be knitting and eying sheep for wool! That would be exciting in the Waldorf education community. Another one of my eclectic adaptations to our homeschool, on a good day at least.

Ok, so I just puked out the ideas out of my head at the end of the day. Thanks for letting me ramble on.



Enjoy Birth said...

I am enjoying the blog! I just wanted to say I am a doula and I love it! :)

Curtis Salisbury said...

If you feel so inclined and you are only 4 hours from me, there is a pioneer village over in North Platte, NE that is really cool to go through when you are in the mood for a pioneer theme. There is also a park about 40 miles from here that has the wagon wheel tracks you can see and one you hike along, plus see where they used to stop for water. And if you feel really adventurous, drive over to Minden, NE and it's a huge, huge museum with houses from all eras, plus artifacts and stuff. I have yet to get over that way myself. I think your ideas sound great! What is the Epic Adventure stuff you were talking about that is pre-made? Oh, and one more thought for you is that you could learn and teach your kids to do some simple quilting..maybe make that a family project. I did find a site (can't remember where it is) that has a print and color quilt patterns. I did that for my kids two years ago and Jesse still asks for prints so he can color them. You could do it with scrapbook paper too...make paper quilts. Wow, I'm just so excited for you this year!

Kassie said...

Sounds like you have some fantastic ideas for making this adventure work for yourself and your family. I love your theme. I was lazy and unsure so I bought the ready-made EPIC adventure about the founding of America. I'm so excited about it. And it's really about me, cause it's what I wanted to study! Just inviting the kids along. Good Luck!!

The Girls' Mom said...

Thanks for your thoughts. I have been trying to grasp and idea like yours in my head for a while now and you have insipred some great ideas. I have four girls and we love Little House. I am enjoying this blog and look forward to more posts.

Pirate Princess said...

You're on the right path. I wrote my own EPIC Adventure this year as well, taking ideas from my Master Plan (TJed Basic Training) and incorporating them into my plan for the year. I'm not the sort that can use someone else's ideas - I need a "custom fit", or else it chafes. ;)

Good luck with Flylady! Just remember to get your shoes on.. LOL!

Cub Scout Roundtable Commissioner Heather said...

Thanks all for your lovely comments. I am trying to get back up to speed with this blog.
As for Epic Adventures, it can be pre-made (, but I am choosing to do one on my own. And we are still in the early planning stages and some of it will come as we go rather than indepth planning. I had great ambitions of sewing some prarie outfits for my daughter and I, but I figured that by the time I bought the patterns and supplies it would be about the same as buying ones premade. I know, not very pioneer of me, but I am not that great sewing in the first place. But yes, I was thinking of patchwork quilts.
My inspiration for choosing this theme was the getting back to core stage of it all. I envision it giving us plenty of opportunities for learning things in an exciting way. It is very much mine, because I adore everything pioneer and it is exactly what I was dying to do as a little girl. I dreamed of being Laura Ingalls' best friend. My kids ar eexcited too. But in a way, this is about me and not them. However, it feels like both and that makes it perfect. I love the thought of my kids learning aobut the work that Laura or Almanzo did as children and then inspiring us all to do some of the same things. Already I am seeing them make connections. We have begun reading through the Little House Series, again. Just today, since our washing machine is on the fritz and not spinning out the water. I took a load of sopping wet laundry out to the deck to squeeze out the water and then drape on the deck rails to dry and my oldest (7 year old) said that we were like pioneers, because they didn't have washers and dryers. While it was a simple remark, I knew that he had been listening and was applying what they had learned to our own lives. Wow, here's a thought...should I start hanging out my laundry more often? Baby steps Heather! Thinking of Mount Washmore that I have to lug to the laundry mat tomorrow or the next day. So and inconvienance turned into a blessing or education.

Anonymous said...

Re: costumes...
there is a cool book called _Instant Period Costumes_
that, with a trip to the thrift store, scissors, and a trip to the thrift store, will have a family set of costumes in less than 2 afternoons!

it works and it is fun! i am the sort of person who gets a big idea and needs to keep it under control, or i have a TON of supplies and un-done project ideas! lol.

(maybe this tiny url will work better...:

Anonymous said...

Re: costumes...
there is a cool book called _Instant Period Costumes_
that, with a trip to the thrift store, scissors, and a trip to the thrift store, will have a family set of costumes in less than 2 afternoons!

it works and it is fun! i am the sort of person who gets a big idea and needs to keep it under control, or i have a TON of supplies and un-done project ideas! lol.

(maybe this tiny url will work better...:

Anonymous said...

whoops,i meant to say with a trip to the thrift store, scissors, and a HOT GLUE GUN.

it's late...